Trying to find the time

As the title suggests, I’m struggling to find time for my photography. You see I have a regular job and I have to fit my photo taking into any time I have left, it’s a bit of a challenge at the moment as I am working nights. It’s that bad that I may not have any photos to go with this post, insert sad emoji.

Maybe you’re the same, I’ve got lots of ideas but I just don’t know where the time is going to come from.

I have some bad news for myself, It’s time to confess to myself to tackle the problem, I’m a procrastinator, there, that’s it, I said it out loud and I’ve written it down. With me there is always something else that needs doing first, I need to get my house in order and I definitely need to work less hours.

I guess writing it here is my way of making it happen, at least I hope it is. It’s funny I’ve decided to tackle this problem now because I’m in the middle of decorating my house and it’s also our busy period where I work, with that in my head I feel I’m already procrastinating, bloody hell am I ever going to just get on with!

I always make lists of things to do, which is supposed to be a good thing, the trouble with my lists is they just keep getting longer as I keep adding to them. I’m going to give myself dates which I’ll do my best to stick to, dates for all the non photography stuff to be done, then I’ll start on a photography list of things I want to do, some realistic some maybe not.

I’m thinking about doing some free photo walks which helps everyone, just a way to hang out with like minded people, we’ll see, it’s just an idea. A friend of mine does one every month but I always miss it because I’m at work, I think my first priority is to get my weekends back so I can participate.

Image courtesy of ©Rainy girl

What do you guys do to keep out of ruts and to stop yourself from procastinating? Add a comment below if you like or comment on my insagram.

Hopefully I’ll have something more upbeat to say in the next post.


the Photo walk
