Lock down Photography
Well that’s bought my street photography to a bit of a stand still, lock down means less people and for me that means not much chance of being out and making street photos. If you’re a photographer you like making pictures, I like making pictures on the street, everyday scenes of people going about their daily lives, and maybe even making people look and see the beauty of the ordinary that surrounds them. Well normal service wasn’t going to happen for a while, not in the sense we’re used to anyway. So what was it to be? put the camera away for how ever long this is going to take, or dig in and just get on with it.
If you’re a photographer and you’re like me, you always have that urge to create something, if I’m not making pictures I can get a bit agitated and fidgety. So I would do the only thing available to me, I would make family pictures of our time at home under lock down.
I wouldn’t control any images, I would just document them as they happened, the same as I would if I was making street photographs. We did what most people were doing during this time, we had home schooling to get through, there was trying to exercise and keep some kind of fitness, although staying in bed did appeal to me every now and again. Then we had chores around the house and the jobs you keep putting off because you never have the time.
For most kids I imagine it’s quite tough, no proper school work, no seeing friends and playing down the park. For adults it’s a real reality check. We got through the first lock down by keeping busy, but by Christmas we were all a bit stir crazy. I think making pictures is what kept me sane.
All these images are from the first lock down, the plan wasn’t to make a blog post from them but as I’ve just started building my own website I thought it would be a good place to share them, I will probably make a book as a family album and something that can be looked back upon in years to come.